The Fan Zone - Search for New and Vintage Sports Cards - Pittsburgh Pirates

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Home > Teams (275) > Baseball (46) > Pittsburgh Pirates (2606)

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Year: 2017 Set Name: Black Friday

Pittsburgh Pirates

1950 to 1959

1951 (2)

1952 (3)

1953 (1)

1954 (5)

1958 (7)

1960 to 1969

1961 (1)

1965 (1)

1968 (1)

1969 (10)

1970 to 1979

1970 (2)

1972 (14)

1974 (5)

1975 (5)

1976 (3)

1978 (11)

1979 (23)


1980 to 1989

1981 (11)

1982 (32)

1983 (2)

1984 (4)

1987 (21)

1988 (1)

1989 (2)

1990 to 1999

1990 (5)

1991 (33)

1992 (37)

1993 (14)

1994 (19)

1995 (21)

1996 (25)

1997 (8)

1998 (40)

1999 (4)

2000 to 2009

2000 (58)

2001 (15)

2002 (28)

2003 (29)

2004 (52)

2005 (37)

2006 (17)

2007 (14)

2008 (13)

2009 (15)

2010 to 2019

2010 (14)

2011 (39)

2012 (43)

2013 (107)

2014 (37)

2015 (58)

2016 (71)

2017 (45)

2018 (59)

2019 (53)

2010 to Present

2010 (17)

2011 (47)

2012 (12)

2013 (16)

2014 (25)

2015 (36)

2016 (79)

2017 (110)

2018 (120)

2019 (112)


2020 (5)

2020 to Present

2020 (176)

2021 (210)

2022 (231)

2023 (137)

2024 (89)


2021 (6)


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